Saturday, August 11, 2012

1st Day of School GIVEAWAY!


So today I decided to have a giveaway, something I made myself. A NARWHAL.

Yes a Narwhal. IF you can guess how many Kicks are in this jar.

                              Rules: One Guess Per Person, Per Comment. If You are first to get it right on the dot you win right then and there. If no one gets before the giveaway ends closest person gets it and if someone guesses the same closest number the first person to say it wins it. Also you must be a follower of me.


Right in the Comments your guess. And GoodLuck!


Bye-Bye Cheetos Crunchy Cheddar Jalapeno Style!

Friday, August 10, 2012

2 Days Till School

Well I'm here yeah and it's like 12 at night and I am bored as a straight mans butt hole. BUT GUESS WHAT!!! I have 50 page views I don't know why I'm excited but dang I am. Its like x3 more views I have on YouTube. So yeah just wanted to say and tell y'all some umm bye.

                                      Mystical Magical Mustache NARWHAL is asleep so yeah.


3 Days till School

So last weekend I was going to a family reunion in Alabama, and we had to my Grandmas house cause she was taking me, my sister, and my mom. So on our way there we saw we were listening to the radio, and "What makes you Beautiful" by One Direction.So were all singing, and I look at the car next to us and its this, maybe 20 year old lady, and her mom. AND THEY WERE SINGING IT TOO. So I am like what the Fudge Crackers. So then they slow down and car goes ahead of them and its this guy like maybe 40, and hes singing it too. So I look at mom and say DRIVE FAST!!

Fudge Crackers

      So we got to her house , slept and left at 7:00 a.m. and started a movie in the car( which is why we took her car). So the first movie we watched was Mary Poppins, and yes i did sing the whole movie.


After me and and my sister finished we decided not to watch another movie yet. cause we were like only 45 minutes away from the schoolhouse (where the reunion was). So my sister moved to the back of the car and I stayed in the middle. So she starts listening to music on her iPod and starts singing (sorry shrieking)"Temporary Home" by Carrie Underwood (  Like when Carries voice got louder, Valerie (my sister) got higher in here voice, it was a long 45 minutes. 
My Sisters iPod
Carrie Underwood
So after that we finally arrived, and it was like a normal your Grandmas family reunion , you have no dime, penny, or nickel who anybody is.

So finally we left with 5 bags of chips, some fruit, and a quarter of a pie (MINE). On our way it was pretty fast for a THREE HOUR drive, we watched Pirates of the Caribbean 1 & 2. I ate some Salt and Pepper Wavy Chips and then went to a two story McDonald's!


So we get to my Grandmas house grab our stuff and head back to my house. And about 15 away we saw shaped like a guy in a sombrero eating a pepper.

We didn't get a picture in time, just imagine this in cloud form and that's what we saw.

Now that I have been home mostly i have been playing Dead Rising 2, I love this game if you have not played and love zombie games (like myself) go out a buy a copy it is amazing.

So too all the kids that start this coming up Monday good luck and too those who start later, I hate you right now, Jk.

Goodbye Magical Majestic Mustache NARWHAL =>!

bYE-Bye Chester Style!


Thursday, August 2, 2012

11 More Days of Summer

 Hi I am a now a rising 9th grader this year, so WOOHOO. But not so much Woos or Hoos, since I found out I am going to be homeschooled.
My expressions

I mean I have been going to normal since PK-8 grade, Been to excatly 9 schools(more or maybe less).Now I am just going to stay-at-home for school(Hopefully for only ONE year)

There Faces                                                                      My Face                                                          
But there is alot of Pros about Homeschool( As my mother keeps telling me). So heres some reason you might be homeschooled. If you move alot, like me and its easier to take the same classes, instead of going thourgh registration at like, 50 millon, thousand (Is this a real number) schools. You can also move at your own pace thourgh diffcult levels of school. You get to do clubs, and meet people from your classes in social events. And if you ask the person on the phone (like my mom did) you might even still be able to go dances at the school you were going to.

Now to the Cons, you arent able to see your friends everyday (maybe on weekends), or get to go to the clubs you signed up for at school, (me drama and yearbook).

So if you are starting homeschool this year like me I wish you luck. But if your not wish me luck, I hope i survive.
Goodbye Magical Majestic Mustache NARWHAL! =>!

Bye-Bye Baby Style